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Changes in a person’s hair’s volume and texture can frequently reveal a lot about their health and vitality, so it’s critical to give them careful consideration. Though they could appear to be two sides of the same coin, “hair fall” and “hair loss” are very distinct from one another! To properly treat it, it is imperative to recognise the differences between the two.

In general, people lose between fifty and one hundred hairs a day. Many variables, including age, hormonal changes, and seasonal variations, might affect the rate of hair fall. Although hair fall is normal and a natural component of ageing, persistent or excessive hair loss can result in noticeable bald spots and hair loss.

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Hair Fall: A Natural Phenomenon

A normal aspect of the hair growth cycle is hair fall. People typically shed between fifty and one hundred hair strands per day. The main cause of this is the older, weaker hair falling out to create room for the new ones. The phases that hair goes through are telogen (resting or shedding), catagen (transition), and anagen (growing). Old hairs are shed during the telogen phase to create space for new ones to develop.

Numerous factors contribute to daily hair loss.

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  • Variations according to the seasons: Winter is one season where hair loss may be a little more common.
  • Physical stress: Hair loss may result from a medical condition, surgery, or accident.
  • Hormonal shifts: A woman’s cycles of hair growth may be impacted by menopause, childbirth, or pregnancy.
  • Age: People who are older may shed more hair since it grows at a slower rate.
  • Inadequate nutrient intake: The condition of your hair may be impacted by inadequate nutrition consumption.

Hair Loss: When to Pay Attention

Although hair loss is a normal occurrence, excessive or unexpected hair loss may point to a more serious problem. Alopecia, the medical term for hair loss, can take many different forms:

  • Androgenetic Alopecia: Also referred to as female- or male-pattern baldness, this genetic disorder causes hair thinning gradually.
  • Alopecia Areata: An autoimmune disorder characterised by patchy hair loss as a result of the immune system attacking hair follicles by error.
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  • Telogen Effluvium: Diffuse shedding is the outcome of a disorder known as telogen effluvium, in which a sizable portion of hairs prematurely reach the telogen phase.
  • Alopecia permanente: Hair follicle scarring resulting in permanent hair loss.
  • Traction Alopecia: A condition when the hair is overly tense, usually as a result of tight haircuts.

When to Worry? Signs of Problematic Hair Loss

Seeking medical advice is advised if you observe any of the following symptoms:

  • Abrupt Augmentation in Hair Loss: A discernible rise in the amount of hair lost each day could be a sign of concern.
  • Bald Patches: Alopecia areata may be indicated by bald patches or areas of hair loss that go undiagnosed.
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  • Thinning Crown or Reclining Hairline: Gradual alterations in the thickness of the hair or hairline itself may indicate androgenetic alopecia.
  • Modifications in Hair Texture: Hair that is brittle, thin, or readily breakable should raise some concerns.
  • Hair Loss and Itchy, or Scaly Scalp Conditions: These conditions may need to be attended to.

Seeking Solutions for Healthy Hair

Finding and addressing the underlying cause is often crucial for managing hair loss or hair fall:

  • Nutrition: To keep healthy hair, make sure your diet is well-balanced and rich in the proteins, vitamins, and minerals that your hair needs.
  • Attend to any underlying scalp conditions and maintain utmost hygiene.
  • Avoid wearing hairstyles that make you feel uncomfortable or stressed out for prolonged periods. This includes tight haircuts.
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  • Medication-based therapies: Disorders like androgenetic alopecia or alopecia areata may be treated with drugs such as minoxidil or corticosteroids.
  • Make lifestyle adjustments by taking up stress-reduction techniques, getting enough sleep, and working out frequently.
  • Speak with an Expert: Consult a dermatologist or other medical professional for guidance.

In summary, proactive hair care requires a grasp of the distinction between normal hair fall and problematic hair loss. While some amount of hair loss is normal, people can take the necessary action to preserve healthy, vibrant locks by recognising the warning signs of excessive shedding or changes in the health of their hair. When in doubt, consulting a professional guarantees a customised strategy to treat certain issues and encourage the healthiest possible state of hair.

If you’re struggling with hair fall or hair loss, consult one of the most renowned clinics – the Ayursparsh Clinic and Panchakarma Center in Dharwad, Karnataka. Reach out to Dr. Rashmi C. Patil, MD (Ayu), who is an expert in treating various hair issues and will help you with all your hair-related concerns.

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