Madhumeh Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes type 2

Diabetes is one of the most common and difficult health issues that people face.

According to studies, diabetes affects nearly 11% of the world’s population. And, yes, it is difficult to manage. But it’s not impossible.

Ayurveda is an ancient medical science that offers solutions to diabetes management. This article will provide useful information about diabetes, its types, and how to treat and control it.

So, let’s get started on creating a healthier life.

What is Diabetes in Ayurveda?

Diabetes and Ayurveda both have healing properties. Ayurveda is a complementary medicine focusing on overall holistic well-being rather than specific symptoms. The goal is to address the issue at its source.

Diabetes is known as Madhumeha in Ayurveda (literally meaning sweet urine). Diabetes mellitus is known as Vata Prameha. It manifests as a result of a Vata Dosha imbalance (one of the three functional energies in the body). Diabetes insipidus is known as Kapha Prameha. This is due to a Kapha Dosha imbalance.

Diabetes mellitus type 2 – An Ayurveda treatment

Diabetes type 2 can develop from prediabetes. In this state, however, your cells may become resistant to insulin and its actions. Furthermore, because the pancreas cannot produce insulin, your body may struggle to overcome this resistance.

While the exact cause of type 2 diabetes is unknown, the condition is thought to arise due to genetic and environmental factors. Obesity, as opposed to type 1 diabetes, is a major cause of type 2 diabetes. However, not all people with type 2 diabetes are obese.

Diabetes disorders

Diabetes can frequently mask the symptoms of other diseases. Diabetes patients may also have other health issues, such as heart or kidney problems. However, because of diabetes, they may not notice the symptoms. This is caused by high blood sugar levels. There have been numerous reports of people suffering from a mild heart attack and being unaware of it due to high diabetes levels. As a result, controlling blood sugar levels is critical.

  • Severe thirst
  • Urination that is unusually frequent
  • Extreme hunger
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Wounds that heal slowly
  • Urine frequency

Diabetes management using Ayurvedic principles

Diabetes mellitus impairs the body’s ability to respond effectively to insulin and manage blood sugar levels. Most diabetes patients can control their blood sugar levels with Ayurvedic diabetes treatment. Ayurvedic treatment also aids in the prevention of serious diabetes complications. Ayurveda is a holistic approach to treating people with type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes. It aids in the diagnosis of diabetes and promotes overall health benefits.

Ayurvedic herbal remedies

Various therapies aid in the detoxification process, which rejuvenates the body. This is beneficial in severe cases of diabetes.

  • Diabetes can be managed with dietary changes.
  • Diabetes can be managed with lifestyle changes.

Aside from that, it is critical to living a healthy lifestyle. You can begin a regular workout regimen for this purpose. Consider joining a gym, cleansing your diet, and incorporating bitter fruits into your diet. Bitter gourd, gourd, and other astringent fruits and vegetables, for example, can help manage diabetes levels.

The Final Wrap

The abundance of natural medicines found in food, herbs, and other natural ingredients is a blessing to humanity. These organic ingredients’ medicinal qualities aid in the treatment of numerous illnesses, including diabetes. Blood sugar levels are lowered by the therapeutic effects of giloy, neem, fenugreek seeds, Jamun, and other ingredients. These organic ingredients and herbs also aid in reducing insulin resistance and encourage the production of insulin to manage diabetes.

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