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Have you discovered that you have oily skin and are struggling with pimples? You are not alone! In this blog, you will learn about treatment options that can lead to healthy and pimple-free skin. If you are looking for pimple treatment in Dharwad, reach out to Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center established in Dharwad, Karnataka, to get rid of the condition.

Oily Skin Treatment: An Overview

Oily skin, also known as seborrhoeic skin, is characterised by an overproduction of sebum oil from the sebaceous glands. This excess sebum creates a shiny appearance, particularly in areas such as the forehead, nose, and chin. People with oily skin often experience symptoms like enlarged pores, frequent breakouts, and a thicker skin texture.

The increased oil production is more noticeable in humid conditions and can lead to more pimples. The excess oil also contributes to the skin feeling thicker and more textured, exacerbating the challenges associated with managing oily skin.

Every person’s skin type and condition are unique as they are influenced by a number of factors, such as genetics, hormones, environment, and lifestyle. Therefore, you must consult the Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center in Dharwad, Karnataka, to get personalised treatment plans that can make your skin healthy.

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How are oily skin and pimples interrelated?

Oily skin and pimples often go hand in hand, creating a cycle of discomfort and frustration for many. The increased oil production can clog the pores, which leads to oily skin and the development of pimples.

Here are some of the ways in which oily skin and pimples are interrelated.

  • Excess sebum production when mixed with the oil can lead to clogged pores that eventually cause pimples.
  • Because of the excess oil on the skin’s surface, it can also trap dirt and impurities that can cause pimples.
  • The body’s response to bacterial growth and clogged pores involves inflammation, causing red, swollen, and painful pimples.
  • High levels of stress can also trigger hormonal changes that may increase oil production and lead to red and itchy pimples.
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If you are experiencing oily skin that frequently leads to pimples, you must look for the proper treatment options at Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center in Dharwad, Karnataka.

Pimples Treatment in Dharwad at Ayursparsh Clinic

According to Ayurveda, any skin condition, like pimples, occurs in the body because of an imbalance in the doshas. With the right treatment approach at Ayursparsh Clinic, you can easily manage the symptoms associated with pimples.

  • Herbal remedies

Herbs such as ashwagandha and tulsi have antibacterial properties that help in reducing and managing oily skin. Ashwagandha is known for its adaptogenic effects that help balance stress hormones that can exacerbate acne. However, tulsi, with its potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, aids in purifying the skin and reducing inflammation.

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  • Dietary adjustments

By having a balanced diet, you can help regulate oil production and reduce the occurrence of pimples. You must include foods such as fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins in your diet that can support your skin’s health and make it less susceptible to pimples.

Try to avoid foods such as dairy products and greasy and sugary foods that may trigger the development of pimples on oily skin.

  • Lifestyle adjustments

Lifestyle adjustments like incorporating stress management techniques, maintaining good hygiene, and adopting healthy habits can significantly improve oily skin and reduce pimples.

  • Panchakarma therapy

It is a detoxification therapy that eliminates the toxins from the body, purifies the system, and helps restore the balance between the three doshas. It is an ayurvedic treatment that includes various procedures that help cleanse and rejuvenate the body. 

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Consult Ayursparsh Clinic for Pimple Treatment in Dharwad

If you are looking for pimple treatment in Dharwad, you can consult Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center in Dharwad, Karnataka. We provide comprehensive treatment plans according to your skin condition.

To achieve personalised pimple treatment in Dharwad, you can consult Dr. Rashmi C. Patil, MD (Ayu), in Dharwad, Karnataka. 

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