Frozen Shoulder Symptoms Causes and treatment

The shoulder girdle will be stiff in a from the shoulder, making free movement of the joint impossible. Adhesive capsulitis of the shoulder joint is the medical term for this condition. It can occur as a result of an injury, overuse, or diseases such as diabetes or a stroke.

Scar tissue forms in the tissues surrounding the joint, making shoulder movements difficult and painful. Over the course of a year or more, the condition usually develops gradually, then disappears gradually.

In Ayurveda, the frozen shoulder is known as “Ababahuka.” This is a perfect example of Vata Roga. People with the Vata Dosha tend to absorb ‘Kapha’ fluids. A frozen Shoulder is caused by absorption in the joints and for getting rid we all need Panchakarma treatment for frozen shoulders.

The symptoms of a Frozen Shoulder

A frozen Shoulder occur when the shoulder becomes painful and is unable to move normally due to inflammation. Frozen shoulder is a condition in which the patient experiences constant shoulder stiffness and pain. It could last for several weeks. This happens when someone is recovering from an injury. A frozen shoulder can also occur when someone is wearing a sling. It can also happen when someone is recovering from surgery or experiencing joint pain. It can also be a symptom of thyroid disease, joint problems, or diabetes. 

The reason behind the Pain

The causes include hereditary factors and a history of shoulder joint injuries. Excessive exercise, excessively dry and salt food consumption, night outs, fasting, digestion issues, and stress issues can all be factors. Another cause could be synovitis, which is a tear in the muscle around the joints. A frozen shoulder could also be caused by a history of trauma. Keeping the arms immobilized in a specific position for extended periods of time can result in a frozen arm. Frozen shoulders can also be caused by cardiac procedures, diabetes, or heart and lung diseases.

Problems arise during the Pain

Pain and stiffness with gradual restriction in motion that worsens over time. The pain is usually worse at night and can even wake a person up. It worsens when attempting to lie on one side of the affected arm. Normal day-to-day tasks will be difficult for the patient. A frozen shoulder usually affects one side of the body but can spread to the other if left untreated. The pain usually subsides after a while, but the stiffness makes the pain worse. This makes even lifting the affected person’s arm difficult.

Get treated with the ayurvedic treatment – frozen shoulder Ayurveda treatment

The Ayurvedic treatment for frozen shoulders includes the following steps: oleation, swedana, Basti, and Nasya karma. Along with panchakarma treatment for frozen shoulder, a healthy diet and lifestyle changes will aid in the management of the condition and in avoiding further dosha vitiation. Massage therapy is also recommended to relieve muscle strain and pain. This method of treating frozen shoulders not only helps to reverse the condition but also helps to avoid it in the future.

Your one-stop destination – Ayur Sparsh Clinic

Ayur Sparsh Clinic is the best ayurvedic wellness center in Dharwad for Frozen Shoulder Treatment and Slip Disc Problems Treatment. In Dharwad, look up “panchakarma treatment for frozen shoulder” and “best ayurvedic oil for slip disc” or any other ayurvedic treatment. Ayur Sparsh Clinic is the best ayurvedic health care center in Dharwad, offering customized medication and treatment for all diseases.

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