Fungal Skin Infections Treatment in Dharwad

Are you having persistent itching, redness, or rashes on your body? These are the symptoms related to fungal infections. Go through this blog to have a comprehensive understanding of the symptoms and treatment options for different types of fungal infections. And if you’re searching for fungal skin infections treatment in Dharwad, then reach out to Ayursparsh.

What Are Fungal Skin Infections?

Fungi are everywhere present in the environment, but some of them can cause fungal infections in humans or other organisms.  These are the microscopic organs that cannot be seen with the naked eye. Fungal infections, also called mycoses, can affect various parts of the body, including the nails, skin, and other internal organs.

Fungal Skin Infections Treatment in Dharwad

Fungal skin infections are skin diseases that are caused by fungi that primarily affect the skin. This skin infection isn’t dangerous in nature but can cause irritation and discomfort. It can affect individuals of all ages and genders and is seen as red, itchy rashes accompanied by scaling of the skin.

Fungal infections of the skin occur because of certain factors, such as poor hygiene, a weakened immune system, and when the skin is exposed to moisture.

What Are the Different Types of Fungal Skin Infections?

There are different types of skin infections caused by fungus, and each has its own symptoms and characteristics.

  • Athlete’s foot

It is the most common infection that affects the skin and usually begins within the toes. It is also known as tinea pedis and is seen in people whose feet become very sweaty. This skin condition mostly occurs when people walk barefeet in public washrooms. In athletes’ feet, people experience a scaly rash that causes itching, stinging, and burning sensations.

  • Ringworm (Tinea corporis)

In cases of ringworm of the body, a circular rash with clear skin in the middle is seen. This condition appears mostly as a scaly ring shape on the buttocks, trunk, legs, and arms.

  • Nail fungus

Nail fungus, or onchomycosis, is a common foot condition that affects the toenails. In this condition, the toenails become yellow and thick and usually break down.

  • Scalp ringworm

This skin condition is named scalp ringworm but is not caused by ringworm. It occurs mostly in children and is also known as tinea capitis. This condition can cause a scalp rash, bald spots, and painful swelling that leaks pus.

Fungal Skin Infections Treatment in Dharwad

The fungal skin infections treatment in Dharwad mostly includes the use of antifungal medications which can be used as ointments on affected areas.

Fungal skin infections can also be treated with some lifestyle changes, dietary modifications, and herbal remedies to understand the treatment options for fungal infections that affect the skin.

  1. Natural Remedies
Fungal Skin Infections Treatment in Dharwad

Natural remedies are an effective treatment for fungal infections, and here are some of them:

  • Coconut oil is rich in antifungal properties that can help reduce fungal growth and soothe the skin when applied to the affected area.
  • Aloe vera is best known for its soothing and healing properties, which can reduce the symptoms of fungal infections such as irritation and rashes.
  • Tulsi is known for its medicinal properties, which not only fight infection but can also strengthen the body’s immune system.

(Also Read: Vitiligo Treatment in Dharwad, Karnataka – White Spots Treatment (

  1. Dietary Recommendations

Diet plays a vital role in managing the skin infections caused by fungus. Therefore, you must try to reduce the intake of sugar and increase the intake of yoghurt, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats, in your diet that can support the overall immune function and promote skin health.

Drink a generous amount of water that can flush out the toxins from your body, and limit eating processed foods and unhealthy fats that make it easier for the fungus to grow.

  1. Lifestyle Recommendations

Following certain lifestyle changes can help prevent the spread of fungal infections on the skin.

  • Ensure regular hygiene practices and avoid sharing personal items like towels or clothing.
  • Wear clean and breathable clothing.
  • Practice good foot hygiene, especially in communal areas like swimming pools or gyms.
  • Maintain a healthy diet containing vegetables, whole grains, and fresh fruits.
  • Use antifungal powders or sprays in susceptible areas.


Skin fungal infection is indeed a treatable condition. With the right approach and treatment that includes antifungal medications, lifestyle changes, and dietary modifications, individuals can effectively manage and overcome fungal skin infections.

Reach out to Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center, the best wellness clinic located in Dharwad, Karnataka, renowned for treating various skin conditions including fungal skin infections treatment in Dharwad.

You can also consult Dr. Rashmi C. Patil, MD (Ayu) if you’re looking for fungal skin infections treatment in Dharwad.

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