Psoriasis skin disease: Psoriasis is an autoimmune skin disease that causes skin dryness and scaling. Let us look at what it is. What are the psoriasis symptoms? And why does it occur?
Psoriasis is a chronic skin disease that leads to inflammation of the skin. It is caused by an overactive immune system that develops abnormal growth of cells on the skin’s surface in the body and leads to scaly patches of skin.
This chronic skin condition appears differently on different skin tones. On light skin tones, it appears in the form of pink or red patches with a silvery-white scale. Psoriasis symptoms on dark skin occur as purple or dark brown patches with grey scales.
It can appear anywhere on the body, including on the eyelids, ears, and nails, but is mostly found on the knees, elbows, trunk, and scalp.
Signs and Symptoms
Psoriasis symptoms vary depending on the type of psoriasis a person suffers from. Here are some of the common signs and symptoms of psoriasis.
- Soreness around patches
- Red-coloured patches that are inflamed and raised
- Itchiness and burning sensations around the patches
- Scaly plaques on the scalp
- Thick and pitted nails
- Dry and cracked skin that may bleed
- Joint pain
- Small bumps on the infected skin

What are the complications of psoriasis?
Psoriasis is an autoimmune inflammatory disease that affects many parts of the body. If left untreated, psoriasis also leads to other health conditions, which include:
- High blood pressure
- Cardiovascular disease
- Mental health issues such as low self-esteem, anxiety, and depression
- Obesity
- Psoriatic arthritis
- Vitamin D deficiency
- Type 2 diabetes
- Eye problems like conjunctivitis and uveitis
Psoriasis Causes
Psoriasis is an immune system issue that can occur at any age and damages the skin, resulting in dry and scaly patches. It is a non-contagious condition, which means you cannot get infected by encountering a person with this disease. Main factors like genetics and environment play a key role in causing psoriasis.
Immune system: There are white blood cells, also known as T cells, present in the body that is a part of the immune system. These are the cells that prevent us from getting sick and from harmful bacteria and viruses.
Psoriasis occurs in a person’s body when there is a disturbance in the functioning of the immune system. It develops when those T-cells mistakenly attack the healthy blood cells, resulting in psoriasis skin disease.
Genetics: Some people with certain genes are more susceptible to psoriasis. It is very possible that if you have a family history of psoriasis, you are at risk of developing psoriasis.
Triggers of psoriasis
Psoriasis triggers are not the same for every person; they depend on the person’s health and medical conditions. The most common psoriasis triggers are mentioned below.
- Stress
- Alcohol consumption
- Skin infections or strep throat
- Cold and dry weather
- Severe sunburn and skin injury, such as a cut, scrape, or bug bite.
- Smoking
- Certain medications
Lifestyle changes and psoriasis treatment
Some modifications in lifestyle and diet help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis and flare-ups.
You should avoid certain foods that can cause inflammation, like red meat, processed foods, and dairy products. Losing excess weight from the body also aids in psoriasis treatment. It is highly recommended to start consuming soybeans, walnuts, flax seeds, and salmon, and by limiting your alcohol intake, you can reduce the risks of flare-ups.

Psoriasis treatment can be effectively done with the right medical advice. Additionally, some of the psoriasis treatments include ointments, medications, and certain herbal remedies are also used to treat psoriasis.
Psoriasis is an inflammatory skin condition caused by an overactive immune system that leads to red, scaly patches on the skin. It is a very challenging condition for a person to live in. However, some lifestyle and diet changes help reduce the symptoms of psoriasis skin disease. These include limiting the consumption of alcohol and avoiding red meat, processed foods, and dairy products.
The Ayursparsh Clinic & Panchakarma Center is a wellness centre known for treating skin diseases like psoriasis, eczema, and acne. For better psoriasis treatment, it is very important to consult Dr Rashmi Patil in Dharwad in Dharwad, who treats skin disorders with the most effective method and achieves the best results.